Our Faculty & Staff
All of our teachers meet or exceed state requirements. Many of our teachers hold advanced degrees and have over 150 years of combined teaching experience. Their love for their students is readily apparent and they work hard to enable each student to work to his or her fullest potential.
School Board Members
Jeff Jacobi (Chairman) - sbm.jacobi@sjlplymouth.com
Lauren Begalke - sbm.begalke@sjlplymouth.com
Nikki Grimm - sbm.grimm@sjlplymouth.com
Doug Helmrick - sbm.helmrick@sjlplymouth.com
Bruce Lefeber - sbm.lefeber@sjlplymouth.com
Joe Miller - sbm.miller@sjlplymouth.com
Linda Mueller - sbm.mueller@sjlplymouth.com
Samantha Puetz - sbm.puetz@sjlplymouth.com