Pay or Give Online

Simply Giving through Vanco

St. John uses Simply Giving through Vanco to process electronic ACH payments (from checking accounts)  or credit cards (for a fee) for:

  • Payments (tuition, lunch, fees, field trips) – These transactions can be one-time-only or set up to recur monthly.
  • Donations to the school or church – These transactions can be one-time-only or set up to recur monthly.

Users of the system will get a confirmation message by email from Vanco regarding each transaction. Payments will be posted on Sycamore, when applicable, as a credit to your account within three business days.

Please Note: At this time, payments for child care or extended care cannot be made online.


What are the advantages of electronic payments and giving?

Control:  Users have the convenience to control their payment or contribution date and amount.

Confidentiality:  Bank account numbers are not given to anyone at SJL.

Immediacy: Electronic funds can be processed immediately and eliminates check writing.

Efficiency:  St. John processes online transactions faster than handling check and cash payments.

How does the process work?

Funds are transferred automatically through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network from your checking account to our bank account.

When will the funds be debited from my account?

A debit to your account may be a one-time payment or will occur each month on the date you specify on your authorization form.

How much does this service cost?

The small fee per ACH transaction is paid by us. Credit card transaction fees are paid by you and is usually around 3%.

What if I try electronic giving and don't like it?
You can cancel your authorization at any time by notifying the school office.
Secure donation services are provided by Vanco Services, LLC. Vanco processes electronic donations for more than 10,000 churches and nonprofit organizations. The Simply Giving® Program endorsed by Thrivent Financial Bank is operated by Vanco Services. Simply Giving® is a registered trademark of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial Bank assumes no responsibility for the products and services offered by Vanco Services under the Simply Giving® Program.
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