Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees 2024-2025

Our tuition and fees only cover a small portion of what it actually costs to educate a child at St. John Lutheran School. The actual cost exceeds $7,000 per full-time student each year. However, our congregation is traditionally quite supportive of our school and the ministry it provides to our community and contributes about 60% of our total expenses. The remaining cost is covered by tuition, voucher income, etc. We try diligently to keep our tuition as low as possible so that any family who desires a quality, Christ-centered education for their child might have the opportunity to do so. Financial aid is also available for any family that applies and meets the qualifications.

Programs Tuition Fess

Program: 3K (M-F)

Member: $1,915

Non-Member: $1,915

Program: 4K (M-F)

Member: $1,915

Non-Member: $1,915

Program: K-8th

Member : $2,365

Non-Member: $3,135

There is a registration fee of $100 (non-refundable) for each child enrolling in SJL. The registration fee must accompany the application form and is applied to tuition. Some programs, such as middle school band, have additional fees.
Tuition fees are reviewed and set annually by the School Board. Children of LCMS pastors, teachers, and other professional church workers from sister congregations may attend SJL at the same tuition rate as our full-time staff.

Tuition Discounts

Families may reduce their tuition expense through these programs.

Payment in Full
Payment in Full

5% discount if tuition is paid in full by August 1.

SCRIP Program

Families and extended family members are encouraged to participate in the SCRIP program. Gift cards can be purchased with the proceeds applied to designated student accounts. Tuition credits accumulate through May 1 and are applied to the following school year.


Second child receives a $150 discount; third and additional children receive a $250 discount.

Financial Aid - Tuition Assistance

St. John School offers tuition assistance grants for families unable to afford school tuition. Financial assistance is granted based on demonstrated need. A financial aid application form is available in the school office. Applicants will be asked to disclose financial information and may be asked to meet with a Tuition Assistance Committee for further discussion. Tuition Assistance does not automatically renew each year. Families must reapply each school year.

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